Organized Crime Menu: Committe for a Safe Society
Bibliography: World Encyclopedia of Organized Crime |
- Financial Scandals Homepage
- Links to various financial scandals. »A fascinating index to high-profile financial intrigues as well as to background information. « (Lycos Information Guide)
- Andreotti Homepage
- L'agenda, gli atti, il racconto, le iniziative del e sul processo del secolo a Palermo.
- Daniel Brandt's NameBase
- »More Information for More People. The contents of every book listed through this page, along with 200 other books, periodicals, and membership lists, are cumulatively name-indexed. Search by name, country, proximity. 205,615 citations. 93,229 names.«
- Transparency International
- »Transparency International is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation, to counter corruption both in international business transactions and, through our National Chapters, at national levels. «
- The Research Group on Transnational Crime Transcrime
- »The aim of Transcrime is to collect documentation from sources worldwide. Transcrime's major research fields are: a) transnational organized crime trends; b) national and international trends of money laundering activities; and c) international corruption trends.«
- Internet Corruption Perception Index
- »Our aim is to rank countries by the extent of corruption in public administration.« Including some excellent links on International Corruption
- European Business Ethics Network
- »Our network members include business people, public sector managers, and academics. Our role is to stimulate and facilitate meetings of minds, discussion and debate on common ethical problems and dilemmas.«
- Drug Enforcement Administration (US)
- »The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States and to bring to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States or any other competent jurisdiction, those organizations, and principal members of organizations, involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States.«
- OECD against corruption
- The organizations recommendations towards bribery in international business transactions.
- Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
- »The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is one of the key organizations that addresses the global problem of money laundering. Formed by the G-7 Economic Summit in 1989, the FATF is comprised of 26 countries, the European Commission and the Gulf Cooperation Council. The cornerstone of the Task Force's work is the promotion of 40 Recommendations«.
- Committee Against Corruption in Saudi Arabia (C.A.C.S.A)
»The committee's aim is to point to the corruption, human rights abuses, and lack of freedom of expression under the rule of the Sudeiri Seven, the royal family of al-Saud ruling Saudi Arabia - .«